Professionals and Self-Referrals

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Information for Professionals & Self Referrals 

Thanks for finding us!

If you would like to discuss a potential referral drop us a quick email

We accept referrals from professionals and individuals ('self referrals') for our Empowerment After Domestic Abuse Course and Rediscovering You: A Self Care Toolkit. 

Professional Referral
Complete the professional referral form if you are working with someone who needs recovery work after domestic abuse. 

Empowerment After Domestic Abuse
  • 1:1 work
  • Face to Face Group Work
  • eCourse
Rediscovering You - A Self-Care Toolkit
  • Face to Face Group Work
  • eCourse
Providing funding prioritises access for Face to Face Empowerment Courses & 1:1 work.
However, non funded referrals still get access to the eCourses, Rediscovering You and invitations to the Face to Face Empowerment course. 

Self Referral
Complete the self referral form if you need recovery work after domestic abuse. 

Empowerment After Domestic Abuse
  • Face to Face Group Work
  • eCourse
Rediscovering You - A Self-Care Toolkit
  • Face to Face Group Work
  • eCourse
Providing a donation prioritises access for Face to Face Empowerment Courses.
However, referrals without a donation still get access to the eCourses, Rediscovering You and invitations to the Face to Face Empowerment course, using the Ruth Fund. This means your funding comes from a previous course attendees donation. 

Rediscovering You

If you just want to work on rebuilding your self esteem using the eCourse or face to face group in Exeter, there is no need to fill in a full referral form. You can access by clicking on 'Just rediscovering You'

Facilitator Training

Train The Trainer training is now available for:

  • J9 Domestic Abuse Initiative
  • Empowerment After Domestic Abuse as:-
  1. One to one support training
  2. Course facilitation - (Domestic Abuse organisations only)

Annual License available for our Empowerment after domestic Abuse 4 week & 12 week course, benefits include:-

  • access to our eCourses for all your service users
  • CPD training for course facilitators
  • Workbook accessible at 50% discount
  • Session Plans & PowerPoints
  • Annual assessment, support & updates

Find Out More

Wellbeing For Practitioners

We deliver group Zoom sessions for practitioner wellbeing. This takes the form of 4 one hour sessions over 4 weeks with your team to focus on wellbeing and self care. Email us for more details.


"thoroughly enjoyed the course"

"its refocused my mind"

"brilliant coming together with my colleagues and having time to focus on our own wellbeing especially at the is time (during lockdown)"

"the atmosphere and vibe is really good"

"it has reminded me to practice what I preach"

"interesting, inspiring & stimulating"

"I feel as though I have had a reboot"

Recent feedback from Drink Wise, Age Well

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