16 Days of Action 25th November to 10th December
White Ribbon Day and the 16 days to end violence against women that follow, we are asking people in their communities, organisations and workplaces, to come together, and say ‘no’ to violence against women.
Because of thousands of people like you we are able to get the message out that men’s violence against women and girls must end. And that all men can make a difference. #AllMenCan is our leading message this year. It was developed for us in March when the murder of Sarah Everard brought women’s experience of men’s violence to the forefront of everyone’s minds. It also opened up so many conversations about men taking action and making a stand. As we move towards the end of the year we want as many men as possible to think carefully and make the White Ribbon Promise to never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women.
Please help us reach as many individuals, workplaces, communities and schools as we can. You can download some resources below or here. And buy ribbons, t shirts and many more items in our shop here.
Some starter ideas:
make the promise at www.whiteribbom.org.uk/promise
The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an annual international campaign that kicks off on 25th November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10th December, Human Rights Day. It was started by activists at the inaugural Women’s Global Leadership Institute in 1991 and continues to be coordinated each year by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership. It is used as an organising strategy by individuals and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls - read more here.
AVA are very excited to share with you their programme of events that they have planned to celebrate this year's 16 Days of Activism. Across the period we are hosting 3 free webinars, launching new resources and supporting causes and organisations working to end violence against women and girls.
This year they particularly celebrate all women working for and with AVA, delivering impactful and life changing work. Celebrating their trustees who commit their time and resources to ending violence against women and girls and their amazing partners who support them every day in our work to achieve better outcome for women and children.
Follow The AVA Project on Twitter: @AVAproject
Twitter hashtags: #16DaysofActivism #16days #16DaysofAction
Follow the Ava Project Linkedin here.
25th November
White Ribbon Day
2 - 3 pm AVA & Level Up will introduce their new project which aims to train journalists to sensitively report on domestic abuse & domestic homicide. This will be followed by a panel discussion hosted by Women in Journalism's chair, Alison Phillips, featuring:
- Donna Covey, CBE, AVA's Chief Executive
- Nicole Jacobs, Domestic Abuse Commissioner
- Megha Mohan, BBC Gender & Identity Correspondent
- Geraldine McKelvie, Investigations Editor of the Sunday Mirror
- Luke Hart, author and domestic abuse survivor
- Janey Starling, Level Up co-director and author of the Dignity for Dead Women media guidelines.
The panellists will be exploring the role that journalists play in influencing the way gender-based violence is understood across society, and how to produce stories that hold power to account for and improve public understanding of domestic abuse.
This event is aimed at anyone who works in journalism, advocates for domestic abuse survivors, or has an interest in improving how survivors’ stories are reported in our media and public discourse.
This project is funded by The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, for more information about the project please email maria.carvalho@avaproject.org.uk. Sign up here
The Commonwealth and NO MORE Foundation Connecting to End Domestic Violence Event 1.30pm – 3.15pm
Vodafone Foundation, The Commonwealth and NO MORE Foundation are hosting Connecting to End Domestic Violence on Thursday 25 November (UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women). Speakers will include: • Rt Hon Theresa May MP • Rt Hon Patricia Scotland QC, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth • Pamela Zaballa, Global Executive Director, NO MORE Foundation • Leanne Wood, Chief HR Officer, Vodafone • Nimco Ali, CEO, The Five Foundation and Independent UK government Adviser on Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls • Andrew Dunnett, Group Director, SDGs, Sustainable Business & Foundations, Vodafone • Elizabeth Filkin, Chair, Employers' Initiative on Domestic Abuse • Nicole Jacobs, Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales • Shameel Joosub, CEO, Vodacom Group • Naana Otoo-Oyortey, Executive Director, FORWARD • Dama Sathianathan, Trustee, CHAYN (Supporting Survivors of Abuse Across Borders) For more information and to register please visit: https://secure.vodafoneevents.com/events2/credapp.cfm
Standing Together & Blooming Strong Coffee Morning 10 -11.30am
Calling all local agencies, services and partnerships. Join us to celebrate the strength of women! This national campaign enables people to celebrate the best of their locality and raise funds for their own services, whilst spreading a message that honours how Blooming Strong women are! Please join us by developing your own local Blooming Strong campaign, which can include all or part of the elements above as well as other ways to fund raise. Email admin@standingtogether.org.uk to receive Blooming Strong Coffee Morning Pack.
Artist Holly Ringrose has created a series of thought-provoking drawings of women who have been killed by their partners, drawing each woman for 1 minute for every year of their life. The unfinished portrait represents the life that was taken prematurely by each woman’s abuser. Find out more and join the conversation via the Domestic Abuse Alliance’s social channels https://twitter.com/DAAllianceUK
Women’s Aid Webinar 1 11am
Women’s Aid UN Day Opposing Violence against Women Webinar - Too Into You: Attitudes to and Understanding of Intimate Relationship Abuse Amongst Young People At our event to launch the International 16 Days campaign, we will share new Women’s Aid research on bystander intervention in intimate relationship abuse amongst young people (aged 18-25) in Ireland. This seminar will also examine young people’s attitudes to and understanding of intervening in intimate relationship abuse amongst their peers and launch a new Too Into You public awareness campaign. Find out more and register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_LR5Qs98wRhaV2YVuj_a BnA
Hou gemeenskappe veilig tydens winterwebinaar 11:00
Community leaders have played a vital role during the pandemic. As we approach the final month of the year, Cabinet Office and UK Health Security Agency are presenting the next in the series of Keeping Communities Safe During Winter webinars on Zoom to support community and faith leaders, voluntary and community groups with their ongoing engagement and communications. As well as providing an overview of the most up-to-date Government guidance, the webinar will feature presentations on the continuing importance of being vaccinated against COVID-19 and flu this winter and community engagement lessons to be learned from dealing with the pandemic so far. There will also be ample opportunity for you to ask your questions, share ideas for more effective engagement and to inform the Government about challenges and barriers faced by your local communities.
Exeter Reclaim the Night Walk 2021
Demanding that women & girls have the right to feel safe on our streets.
Join us at St. Sidwell's Centre from 5pm-6.15pm for placard making & refreshments. We will start the walk from here at 6.30pm, going through the city centre & finishing at Bedford Square.
ALL Welcome. https://fb.me/e/19hkri9ad
26 November
On this day Ava will be showing our support of refugee women and the campaign against the dangerous and inhumane Borders Bill.
Instead of offering sanctuary to women who have been forced to cross borders to seek safety, the government is trying to push through a law that actively causes harm to them. The #AntiRefugeeBill will make it harder for women to be granted refugee status, forcing more women into detention and destitution.
Find out more about the campaign on EVAW’s (End Violence Against Women) website and follow Women for Refugee Women @4refugeewomen for more information on the campaign.
Follow these hashtags: #AntiRefugeeBill #SistersNotStrangers #RefugeesWelcome #RaidOnRights
Cyber Safety at Work Since Covid-19, there has been a major increase in the number of online platforms being used as people isolate and work from home. Approximately half the UK working population were, by definition, lone workers at home after 23rd March 2020. Concerningly, a pilot study conducted by Suzy Lamplugh Trust has found that this has prompted an escalation in cyber abuse. Key findings highlighted that a startling one third of participants are currently experiencing online abuse at work. Of these victims, 83% state that the abuse has escalated over the period of the pandemic. Furthermore, the study finds major gaps in employers' provision of personal safety support for lone workers while online.
The Strength-Based Approach is focusing on the positive attributes, of a person or a group, rather than the negative ones.
Ons moedig ons diensgebruikers aan om te fokus op wat werk terwyl ons alles erken wat verkeerd is. Ons wil graag hê dat dit dieselfde metodologie as diensverskaffers moet wees. Om ander die goeie eienskappe en goeie werkpraktyke te inspireer, terwyl hulle ook verseker dat hul eie geestesgesondheid ondersteun word.
Our project will work with people impacted by domestic and/or sexual abuse, through art and various expressions, to share what worked for them in the support they received. This will be put together in a short film, which will be launched at The Phoenix, entered into short film competitions and used in education programs for services delivered throughout Devon and possibly further.
To find out more & how to get involved visit Strength Based Approach (morepositiveme.co.uk)
27th November
On this day AVA will launch a collaboration with the Movement charity which aims to restore every woman’s right to exercise through trauma-informed exercise opportunities.
The Movement charity has produced 3 trauma-informed exercise and breathing videos just for AVA - one focuses on cardio, one on strength for beginners, and one solely on relaxing and stretching. These videos are expertly designed to help you reconnect with exercise in the way you feel comfortable and are appropriate to anyone who has experienced different types of trauma. We will be launching the videos via Breathing Space, which you can access here, alongside an interview with the charity's Founder and CEO Fiona Roberts featured on our website.
schools against sexism - www.ukfeminista.co.uk
Shadow Pandemic - Shining a light on domestic abuse during COVID. Women’s Aid Federation of England, AAFDA, Chayn, Galop, Imkaan, Respect, Rights of Women, SafeLives, Social Finance, Standing Together and Surviving Economic Abuse have been working together to demonstrate how the response to domestic abuse needs to change in the long-term, after and as a result of Covid-19, in a partnership called 'The Shadow Pandemic.' The report calls for a funding solution that is long-term, sustainable and ensures survivors from minoritised groups have better access to specialist support services. The partnership highlights the urgent need to tackle all forms of discrimination and structural inequality that enable abuse and prevent survivors getting help. It explores innovations from the domestic abuse sector in response to challenges brought by the pandemic, gaps in the systemic response, and seeks to centre the experience of marginalised groups while also highlighting the wider context of Violence Against Women and Girls that domestic abuse is part of.
28th November
On this day we will focus on the importance of intersectional thinking and practice when challenging violence against women and girls.
We will highlight the work and achievements of specialist and ‘by and for’ organisations who are not only working towards ending violence against women and girls but also doing incredible work challenging racism and all other forms of hate and prejudice.
Learnings from Vodafone’s Global Policy on Domestic Violence and Abuse n 2019, Vodafone launched the first global domestic violence policy, which set out a comprehensive range of workplace supports, security and other measures for employees at risk of, experiencing, and recovering from, domestic violence and abuse. Almost a year after Vodafone launched the HR policy, the outbreak of COVID-19 and lockdown restrictions to prevent its spread saw the majority of the company’s global employee base shift to home working in spring 2020. At the same time, reports of domestic violence intensified worldwide, with UN Women citing security, health and money worries, isolation with abuse. This summary highlights the key learnings and identifies ways that both Vodafone and other companies can continue to build tools, awareness and leadership strategies to help ensure the safety of their employees globally through these unprecedented times.
Women’s Aid – Too Into You Public Awareness Campaign
As part of our Too Into You project which supports young people aged 18- 25 experiencing intimate relationship abuse we will be launching a social media awareness campaign on the 25th of November. From our research we know that young people want to be able to help if they are worried a friend might be experiencing abuse in an intimate relationship, but often they don’t know what to do or say. The campaign will focus on guidance and supportive tools to help young people spot the signs of intimate relationship abuse and will provide information on how to talk to a friend you are worried about and the supports available at TooIntoYou.ie
29th November
On this day AVA will highlight various resources, information, and campaigns from our Ask AVA site.
The Ask AVA prevention platform was created to support education practitioners across the UK to develop and deliver a comprehensive programme to stop violence against women and girls. It is based on the specialist knowledge and experiences of teachers, youth workers, service providers, and local authority leads from across the country.
Counting dead women www.kareningagasmith.com
#YouAreNotAlone aims to raise awareness and signpost to information and support available for victims, family/friends and perpetrators of domestic abuse. • On GOV.UK there is full guidance, including easy read and guidance in British Sign Language on getting help for Domestic Abuse • Campaign materials, including translated assets, are available to download.
30 November
On this day we will feature AVA’s recent work on multiple disadvantage which covers training, policy work and research.
In July this year we launched the briefing “Devolution and women’s disadvantage: Tackling women’s and girl’s multiple disadvantage at regional level” which builds on the findings of 2019’s Breaking Down The Barriers: The Final Report of The Commission Into Women’s Domestic And Sexual Violence And Multiple Disadvantage. On this day we will take you through all of our pioneering work and explore its impact.
Resilient Women www.colabexeter.org.uk
Women’s Aid Webinar 2 10am
Pregnancy and Domestic Abuse - Prevalence, Impacts & Responses As part of the International 16 Days of Action, Women's Aid is hosting a webinar on the issue of domestic abuse and pregnancy. Find out more and register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_prTyzqpORQy8UXbjceOkQ ISL interpretation available
Busting Domestic Abuse Myths Webinar 10 – 10.30am
Domestic abuse myths are deeply embedded in our political, social and interpersonal worlds. They're often built upon assumptions, stereotypes and inequalities. Do you feel confident being able to spot them? Taking part in this session will challenge many common misconceptions regarding DA and will help you develop the confidence in knowing what's a fact and what's a myth. To find out more and book, contact: brightsky@tecsos.co.uk
1st December
The webinar will focus on the rights and needs of child survivors of domestic abuse. With a range of expert speakers and an opportunity to ask questions, it will give you an insight into how children's rights have changed with the new Domestic Abuse Act, best practice, and how we can design services to meet the intersectional needs of child survivors.
This webinar is appropriate for anyone who works with children and young people that are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. It is particularly relevant to service managers who may be required to alter services in line with new legislation. This event is part of the Ascent Partnership Funded by London Councils. 1 - 4 pm | Sign up here
EIDA Handbook is designed to work as a single reference guide for all members, providing tools and resources to enable you to act against domestic abuse. Written for both new members at the beginning of their journey and those who have had policies in place for a while, this document provides practical guidance, legal advice, policies and voices of survivors and business members, who share what works Employers' Initiative on Domestic Abuse (eida.org.uk)
2nd December
On this day we will highlight CODA (Children Overcoming Domestic Abuse).
CODA is a 12 week recovery programme with concurrent sessions for mothers and children. The programme builds competence and capacity of those working with mothers and children, to develop and offer the most appropriate support.
Torbay Reclaim the Night Walk 2021
Demanding the woman & girls have the right to feel safe on our streets.
Meet at Torquay Town Hall at 6.15pm for a 6.30pm start.
We will be walking through the town centre finishing at Vaughan Parade. https://fb.me/e/3RpEtQcyS
What is victim blaming webinar 10 – 10.30am
Victim blaming is when we wrongly place responsibility for domestic abuse on victim-survivors instead of with the perpetrator. It's often heavily interwoven in conversations around domestic abuse in both subtle and overt ways. This session will focus on what victim blaming is, what it can look like and what you can do to help change the conversation and as a result make your workplace safer for survivors to come forward. To find out more and book, contact: brightsky@tecsos.co.uk
Rail to Refuge – Impact Report 2021 Webinar with Women’s Aid & the Rail Delivery Group 12.00 – 1pm
There will be an exclusive look at the report findings, news on how we hope to continue and develop the scheme from April 2022, with a celebration of this innovative project which has provided free rail travel to those escaping abuse.
3rd December
On this day we will focus on our 3 new training courses for frontline professionals looking for a refresh of their knowledge or beginning their careers.
You can read about the content for each course on the links below, if you'd like to begin a conversation about in-house delivery please email training@avaproject.org.uk:
- Domestic Abuse Awareness
- An Introduction to Gender-based Violence
- How to Respond to and Ask About Disclosures.
Launch of J9 Domestic Abuse Initiative www.morepositiveme.co.uk/J9
4th December
does your business or employer have a domestic abuse policy? https://www.bitc.org.uk/toolkit/domestic-abuse-toolkit/
Vra vir ANI Die Vra vir ANI-kodewoordskema werk in onafhanklike, Boots- en Superdrug-apteke. Plakkate en sosiale media-bates is beskikbaar om af te laai. Vir meer inligting, materiaal of om terugvoer te gee, stuur 'n e-pos aan AskforANI@homeoffice.gov.uk.
5th December
On this day we will showcase our introductory Digital Safeguarding training course and let you know how it might be relevant to your organisation.
We will also promote our very comprehensive Digital Resource Pack and online step-by-step digital safeguarding guide called DigiSafe, which takes you through each component of digital safety to consider for your organisation/service, staff, and clients.
This work was a collaboration with CAST, a charity that helps people use digital to drive social good, and also was part of Beyond. This project is funded by Comic Relief, National Lottery Community Fund, and The Clothworkers Foundation.
download free resources for wellbeing morepositiveme.co.uk/resources
6th December
On this day we will announce an online support tool for children who have experienced domestic abuse.
This app, which is to be launched in spring 2022 is funded by Comic Relief and co-produced with children and specialist support organisations. We will highlight some of the features of this application and how it can make an important difference to child survivors of domestic abuse and the professionals supporting them.
'My Money, My Life. - Supporting Women Towards Future Financial resilience and Overcoming Economic Abuse. At Colab, Resilient Women. Resilient Women Programme (colabexeter.org.uk)
7th December
Bright Sky If you are concerned about domestic abuse, we know it can be hard to find support. That’s why Bright Sky was developed. Bright Sky is a safe, easy to use app and website that provides practical support and information on how to respond to domestic abuse. It is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else.
Hollie Guard App Hollie Gazzard Trust helps reduce domestic violence through creating and delivering programmes on domestic abuse in schools and colleges. In 2015 Hollie Gazzard Trust launched Hollie Guard, a free app which transforms your smartphone into an advanced personal safety device. Hollie Guard, now downloaded by over 140,000 people is recommended by police forces across the country for those experiencing domestic abuse Domestic abuse. It’s all our business. and stalking. Hollie Guard Extra offers more with 24/7 monitoring, immediate police response and evidence gathering.
8th December
10 - 11.30 am | Sign up here This webinar centres on the key findings from the Ofsted 2021 report on sexual abuse in schools/colleges and aims to increase awareness and understanding of gender-based violence in a school context. We will also highlight the impact of gender-based violence and explore how intersectionality informs experiences and responses to gender-based violence.
This webinar is appropriate for anyone working in education settings with children, young people and adult learners.
For more information on how AVA could deliver training on this topic to your organisation, please email training@avaproject.org.uk
Safe Spaces Online Online Safe Spaces is widget you can add on to your website, for free, enabling those experiencing domestic abuse to access support by clicking on the Safe Spaces logo/widget on your homepage. • By adopting Online Safe Spaces you are providing a discreet pathway to specialist domestic abuse support. • you will be increasing the number of opportunities for victims of domestic abuse to safely access support while carrying out daily online tasks such as visiting your webpage. • By clicking on the Safe Spaces logo/widget on your website, you will be automatically taken to an Online Safe Space webpage and presented with information and resources on domestic abuse. • The Safe Spaces webpage does not appear in internet browsing history and has a quick exit function. • The Safe Spaces webpage can be read in most languages using a quick access translation tool.
9th December
On this day AVA will launch the main outcomes of the Combat Misconduct project, developed in partnership with Universities UK and the NUS (National Union of Students) which addresses ways to improve how universities address sexual harassment and misconduct. The project is funded by Rosa.
Respond to Abuse App Businesses tell us they want and need to provide support for employees experiencing domestic abuse; that’s why we created a new app called Respond to Abuse. Respond to Abuse is Hestia’s latest free smartphone app which supports employers to help staff experiencing domestic abuse to plan a route to safety. It also provides guidance on situations involving employees who might be perpetrators of domestic abuse. When employers are prepared and know how to respond to domestic abuse, we know it saves lives.
Young Victims of Stalking Louise is die afgelope 23 jaar 'n Jeugwerker deur statutêre en derde sektor organisasies. Vir 12 jaar spesialiseer sy in die werk en ontwikkeling van dienste vir jongmense wat huishoudelike mishandeling binne hul gesinne of deur hul eie verhoudings ervaar het. Deur haar werk met jongmense het sy altyd jongmense se regte en die stem van jongmense bevorder en binne 'n deelnemende raamwerk gewerk om jongmense te ondersteun en te beskerm. Louise het die afgelope drie jaar jongmense se dienste by Paladin ontwikkel, met die fokus op hoe om jong slagoffers/oorlewendes van agtervolging te ondersteun en betrokke te raak.
This session will focus on differences in stalking behaviours that we see towards and amongst young people.
Examine the risks and how young people identify risk differently. Look at why it is important to get the voice of young people and address attitudes and assumptions that we may hold about young people.
For professionals to positively impact on safeguarding for young people.
(This session is FREE to attend. Thank you to Plymouth City Council for funding this session. If you would like to make a donation to Paladin please contact her at:
10th December
As 16 Days of Action rounds up with International Human Rights Day we will be recapping by reposting some of the highlights of our online events and webinars.
Reclaim The Night Tiverton. All welcome. we encourage all communities & individuals to attend. The annual march raises awareness and demands women & girls the right to feel safe on our streets. A peaceful protest march at 7pm Meeting point - Lowman Green Clock Tower. Join for the vigil, hot drinks and cake, Bring your own banners.
Thank you to the Ava Project, Employers Initiative on Domestic Abuse & Devon Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Services