After the murder of Janine Mundy in 2003, the police liaison officer worked with the family to create the J9 Domestic Abuse Initiative to prevent more tragic loses like Janine (Ja - nine) We have been funded by the National Lottery Community Fund for this project. Courses starting December 2021
Funded by East & Mid Devon Community Safety Partnership we are delighted to bring you our first step domestic awareness training for hairdressers. 7 out of 10 women who were murdered by a partner, ex partner or family member had disclosed about the domestic abuse to someone before they died. They often did not recognise it as domestic abuse themselves and didn't think to contact professionals for support. Hairdressers are one of the top 10 people disclose their abuse to, how they respond to that disclosure could mean the difference between life and death.
Our Crowdfunder was an amazing success. Would you like to raise funds to support people impacted by domestic abuse?
Our clothes swap was great fun. We've received a lot of requests to run another. If you have clothes to donate or would like to get involved, get InTouch.
A partnership led by the University of Exeter to tackle crimes against women at night, following a successful bid to the Home Office’s Safety of Women at Night Fund. Aimed at bolstering women’s safety while using Exeter city centre, particularly at night, and also implement new ways to ensure their safe passage home.
Funded by Exeter City Council, we have created a short film about positive feedback from those who have travelled through the journey of seeking support during & after domestic abuse. #whatgoodlookslike #strengthbased approach
Butterflies, our empowered women's group. If you have attended our Empowerment After Domestic Abuse, you can access resources, courses and groups here.
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The Empowerment After Domestic Abuse Podcast launched on 8th March 2022. You can access the podcast here and find out how to get involved.