
We have been inspired by a few awesome people and you can find out about their services and products here. We are very grateful that when you sign up to anything here, More Positive Me will receive a percentage towards our own services. 

Leonie Dawson

Hi, I’m Leonie!
I want you to know that you’re NOT alone and every one of your beautiful dreams ARE possible.
I’m a massive Hippie, introverted, Weirdo and I’ve been able to achieve all my dreams!
I’ll show you how you can too!
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Blessing Manafesting

Hi, I'm Dominee,
Before I learned to love myself I was constantly depressed. I'd chose destructive relationships. I had no drive. Learning to love myself, figuring myself out, and falling in love with my body and my personality completely turned my life upside down.
I've created this online resource for all things self-care, self-love, body love, depression/anxiety relief, spirituality and more. I want to share the love.
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Gambling is a silent epidemic and evidence suggests 1% of the UK population have a severe gambling addiction and 5% of the population have a moderate gambling addiction, with a further 10% of the population ‘affected’ by gambling harm. Gambling is very engrained in our culture, indeed 48% of the population gamble on a regular basis, however our focus is with those where gambling is leading to harm including debt, mental health issues, relationship breakdowns, and potentially severe consequences. 

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Octopus Energy

The energy industry in Britain is ruled by a handful of complacent dinosaurs peddling fossil fuels, pricing trickery and poor customer service. In 2016, Octopus entered the market to disrupt the status quo with energy that's good for the planet, good for your wallet, and, honestly, good for your soul.
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Amazon Music
3 months free 

create your happy music playlist with Amazon music free 3 month trial.
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